1.88 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

About us

Harbour Commission

Cowes Harbour is a Trust Port, which means we have no shareholders or individual owners. The harbour is managed for the benefit of its users and stakeholders.

The harbour is an independent statutory body, run by an independent board of commissioners for the benefit of stakeholders. We are committed to operating within government DfT guidelines, as published in the Ports Good Governance Guidance.

Port business for Cowes Harbour is conducted in the interests of all stakeholders with openness, transparency, accountability and commercial prudence. The DfT requires Cowes Harbour Commission to operate as a commercial business, seeking to generate a surplus from its operations and marine services. Surpluses are then reinvested into the port or otherwise directed towards the interests and benefit of Cowes Harbour stakeholders.

The trust board consists of independent non-executive commissioners and the chief executive. Board members are appointed on merit on an open recruitment basis to provide Cowes Harbour Commission with the professional skills and experience to determine the policy and business decisions of the organisation. Board members are appointed for a term of three years and can usually serve a maximum of two terms. A maximum of two additional commissioners can be co-opted at any one time for specific purposes and serve for a period of 12 months.


A summary of the activities Cowes Harbour Commission is responsible for

  • Harbour safety
  • The safe management of harbour activities, in compliance with the ‘Port Marine Safety Code’
  • Maintaining navigational aids and hydrographic surveys, navigational control, policing and notices to mariners
  • Maintaining an ‘open port’ policy, available to all users
  • Monitoring and working to protect the environment, with a view to conservation
  • Provision of pilotage services
  • Oil pollution control and waste management
  • Works and dredge licence consents
  • Levying and collecting harbour dues


Harbour and river moorings

Visitor moorings, swinging moorings, event moorings, and river pontoons. Trinity Landing and Town Quay.



Shepards Marina

A visitor and residential marina with a dayboat sailing centre and dry sailing facilities. Onsite events centre and independent marine businesses.



The Sugar Store

The Sugar Store events centre is a unique waterfront events venue at Shepards Marina.



Kingston Boatyard

Extensive boatyard facilities, with 40t boat hoist and onsite independent marine trades.



Kingston Boatyard self-storage

A self-storage facility offering secure storage units for rent at Kingston Boatyard.



Marine Services

Harbour maintenance and commercial marine contract service provider. Commercial units for lease.



Fuel Berth

A deep draught harbour fuel facility situated 200 meters south of Cowes floating bridge.
