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News - 27/10/17

CHC Marine Services Review 2017

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has recently completed a review of its marine services, which comprise Shepards Wharf Marina, Kingston Marine Services, Cowes Harbour Moorings and Cowes Harbour Fuels.

Regular reviews are carried out in order to ensure that the Commission provides and invests in marine services and facilities that are market-led and customer focused, adding value to the ‘Cowes offer’ and maintaining a commercial return for CHC and our stakeholders. 

The marine industries and maritime services sector are continuing to operate in a challenging climate and the outlook is for this to continue; however, a review of the performance of CHC marine services over the last six years has shown that overall we are performing well and maintaining market share. 

CHC’s review included a recommendation for a business restructure and as a result, one of our management team, Barney Sollars, has taken the opportunity to follow alternative avenues. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Barney Sollars for over seven years of service to CHC. Following the review, Jock Rafferty has been welcomed into his new role as our ‘Marine Services Manager’ and Ed Walker has been promoted to ‘Deputy Harbour Master – Marine Services’.

CHC’s objectives going forward are to maintain high levels of customer service and satisfaction throughout all our marine service businesses, provided by an efficient and welcoming team.