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News - 21/09/20

Cowes Harbour Commission to recruit new CEO

Cowes Harbour Commission has confirmed that after over 20 years as CEO/Harbour Master, Captain Stuart McIntosh is planning to retire in 2021. Stuart made the decision last year and since then work has been underway with the Board of Commissioners to split his combined role of Harbour Master and Chief Executive Officer to better reflect the development of the commercial side of the harbour and to ensure continued priority is given to safety and security. 

This move will see the progression of Deputy Harbour Master Marine Services Ed Walker to the role of Cowes Harbour Master with responsibility for the safety and security of the Trust Port. The Harbour Master will continue to report directly to the Board of Commissioners who have overall responsibility and accountability for the safety and statutory duties of the harbour, its policies, and General Direction rules. The new separate role of CEO will head up CHC’s executive management team and be responsible for the commercial and yachting services side of the Trust Port.

The Commission will shortly commence a public recruitment campaign for the new CEO with a view to an appointment in the spring of 2021. See Cowes Harbour Commission on LinkedIn.