Welcome to our first newsletter – I hope you enjoy reading about what’s happening at Cowes Harbour Moorings and if you don’t already keep your boat in the harbour or on the river, then do consider us for next season!
All about Cowes Harbour Moorings
Cowes Harbour Commission owns and licences the majority of the pontoons, swinging moorings and pile berths within Cowes Harbour and the River Medina – offering you the benefit of a central Solent location for you and your boat.
The Cowes Harbour Moorings team, operating from Shepards Wharf Marina, allocates and maintains over 2,200 metres of pontoons, 400 swinging moorings and 30 pile moorings. We have an all-year-round job maintaining these facilities on behalf of Cowes Harbour Commission and ensuring that boats are safe.
If you would like to enquire about mooring availability, or have a general enquiry regarding moorings, please contact Cowes Harbour Moorings.
Pontoons and piles ‘spruced up’
Our maintenance team is busy carrying out a programme of routine maintenance, including repairs and improvements to our river pontoons and MOB recovery ladders, as well as the repainting of all piles. In addition, power-wash cleaning of the pontoon walkways has been scheduled in for the New Year.
See photos on our Facebook page.
Annual mooring licence renewals
Cowes Harbour Commission will be contacting all our harbour mooring holders before the end of December with renewals information for 2016.
In the meantime, if you have any queries, do get in touch with the Cowes Harbour Moorings team based at Shepards Wharf, by phone on 01983 297821.
Insuring your ‘pride and joy’
Why purchase boat insurance? The answer for Cowes Harbour Moorings customers is that boat insurance is a requirement of the harbour mooring holder’s licence: “The vessel using the mooring is to be insured for recovery and removal from the harbour in the event of sinking. Such insurance shall be for a minimum of £2,000,000 in respect of public liability and third party liability cover.”
It is well worth noting that if your boat is uninsured, a salvage operation could set you back in excess of £10,000! We also recommend that you check your boat insurance is up-to-date and that your insurers, as well as the Cowes Harbour Moorings office, have your current contact information – essential in case of any incident involving your boat.
Get in touch with the Cowes Harbour Moorings team to update your contact information.
Water taxis for winter 2015-16
Just a reminder – Cowes Harbour Commission has been notified by Sally Water Taxis that they are not be operating a service over the winter. As a result, the Commission will continue to provide a harbour water taxi service to our moorings throughout the winter, between the hours of 0900 and 1700, seven days a week. This service will be provided by our duty Berthing Masters and Shepards Wharf Marina staff. Advance booking is highly recommended to ensure that you can be accommodated at your preferred time.
The Cowes Harbour Water Taxi can be booked direct by telephoning 07855 767918, via Shepards Wharf Marina on 01983 297821 or via VHF Channel 69 call sign HM1.
New Events Centre in Cowes!
The new Sugar Store Events Centre at Shepards Wharf Marina enjoys a prime waterside location with stunning views over Cowes Harbour and the Solent. We have a range of exclusive event and venue packages, which can all be tailor-made to suit your particular requirements.

For all Sugar Store Events Centre enquiries and bookings, please phone 01983 297821 or email shepards.chc@cowes.co.uk.
Christmas and New Year river patrols
Daily river patrols will still be carried out over Christmas and the New Year and our Berthing Masters will check all vessels, moorings and navigation marks in the harbour.
Shepards Wharf Marina staff can be contacted if necessary by phone on 01983 297821 between 1000 and 1500 over the festive period, excluding Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Season’s Greetings!
I would like to thank everyone for their help in contributing to another successful year for Cowes Harbour Moorings. With best wishes from all our team for a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2016.
Jock Rafferty
Cowes Harbour Moorings and Shepards Wharf Marina