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News - 05/11/14

Dredge Licence Application – 04/2014 Royal Yacht Squadron

An application has been received for a maintenance dredge licence at the Royal Yacht Squadron. 

Royal Yacht Squadron, The Castle Cowes, IW. 

Description of the Proposed Work: 
The area to be dredged includes the complete basin and approaches up to the fairway boundary. The final dredge level will be to approximately 2.5m below chart datum (CD) with the exception of the innermost area which will be dredged to approximately 2.0m below chart datum. The amount of spoil dredge material to be removed is approximately 1900 cubic metres. The work is aimed to be carried out during the winter months subject to the necessary consents being received from the Marina Management Organisation (MMO). 

Hard copies of supporting drawings can be viewed at the Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes between 0900-1700 Monday to Friday.

The deadline for comments or objections is 5th December 2014; these should be submitted to the Harbour Office in writing.

Royal Yacht Squadron maintenance dredge diagram
Proposed dredging for the RYS Jubilee Haven – The areas enclosed by the red dotted lines comprise the proposed dredge area. We propose to dredge the larger of the two to a depth of 2.5m below chart datum, and the smaller of the two to a depth 2m below chart datum, to return it to the original design depth of the haven.