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News - 30/06/14

Dredge/Works Licence Application – 02/2014

An application has been received for a maintenance dredge licence at Medina Wharf, Cowes.


Medina Wharf, Cowes, Isle of Wight

Description of the proposed work:

Levelling of Medina Quay berth pocket by bed levelling (redistribution of existing bottom material within berth), the objective of which is to improve vessel and cargo handling safety and operations. Materials used will be beneficial re-use of <500m3 of existing bottom material already situated within the berth, redistributed from depths <1.8m to areas of the berth >2m. There is no requirement for additional material or for removal and disposal of existing bottom material. No alteration of berth to increase depths below that already consented.

See downloads below for full information:

• Application for Dredging – Medina Wharf Bed Levelling June 2014
• J932_01 – Medina Wharf plan

The deadline for comments or objections is Friday, 4th July 2014; these should be submitted to the Cowes Harbour Master in writing.