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News - 24/01/17

Harbour maintenance dredging

The maintenance dredge at Shepards Wharf Marina and its fairway approaches is taking place in February as part of a programme of harbour maintenance dredging, which also includes Thetis Wharf, Kingston Marine Services hoist dock, the Town Quay mooring basin, and the Royal Yacht Squadron basin. The dredging has been contracted to Jenkins Marine who will return the areas specified above to the original design depths as charted on Admiralty Chart 2793. 

Shepards Wharf Marina is working closely with contractors to complete the planned maintenance dredge in a timely manner with the least possible disruption to local residents. To expedite completion of the works and due to the varying tidal levels, it is necessary for contractors to work 24 hours a day, although the ambient noise and light will be managed to keep any disturbance to a minimum. 

In order to allow the dredging company unrestricted access to Shepards Wharf, the pontoons are being removed and all vessels normally berthed at the Marina are being temporarily re-located. The projected completion date for the reinstatement of all pontoons and the return of all vessels to Shepards Wharf Marina is mid-March. 

Please read Cowes Local Notice to Mariners No 05(T) of 2017 for further details.