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News - 02/05/18

Marine industry waterfront storage land opportunity

A unique opportunity for marine industry on the River Medina has arisen at the Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) owned Kingston Wharf site in East Cowes, for the rental of 1.5 acres of prime waterfront storage land with all-tide deep-water access and wharfage. 

View the Kingston Wharf Letting Particulars

The availability of this strategic marine employment site has come about as a result of the decision by current tenant Isle of Wight Aggregates to consolidate their operations at Medina Wharf.

Harbour Master Capt. Stuart McIntosh, said: “The Commission is very keen to see the Kingston Wharf site continued to be used as a traditional cargo wharf or for marine based employment, to the benefit of Cowes Harbour and the Island as a whole. 

“We are therefore seeking a new tenant that can benefit from utilising the wharfage and the potential opportunity of the land and all-tide wharf access.“

Vail_Williams_Kingston Wharf Letting Particulars Diagrams

Kingston Wharf lies on the eastern bank of the River Medina, in East Cowes, Isle of Wight. The wharf adjoins the CHC owned Cowes Harbour Services Boatyard. Road access with good HGV accessibility is via Kingston Road. This gives easy access to the Red Funnel car ferry terminal, which is circa 1 mile to the north and provides a regular car ferry service to Southampton.

The wharf comprises a level site totalling approximately 1.5 acres. The south and north boundaries are fenced and the eastern boundary comprises an embankment, with fencing above. The western edge of the site comprises the river wharf, which is 60 metres in length, with a water depth of circa 2 metres below chart datum.

In addition to its direct river access, the site adjoins a bespoke hoist dock, which is served by a 40 tonne travel hoist. This is operated by Cowes Harbour Services, which is the marine services division of site owners Cowes Harbour Commission, the Statutory Harbour Authority for the port of Cowes.

The wharf was last used for the import and processing of aggregate and the existing planning permission is for this use. The Local Planning Authority has indicated that they would view favourably applications for a change of use to alternative marine based employment uses and/or development.

Interested parties are encouraged to view the Kingston Wharf letting particulars and to discuss their intentions with property consultants Vail Williams who can provide further guidance.