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News - 25/02/15

New boatbuilding business at Kingston Wharf

Island RIBs Ltd, designers and manufacturers of Rigid Inflatable Boats, has moved into Units 4 and 6 at Cowes Harbour Commission’s Kingston Wharf site in East Cowes. Director Brian Hallett is the founder and previous owner of Coastline Marine and has been designing and building some of the most seaworthy RIBs on the market for the past 20 years. In this new venture, Brian is working with fellow director and marine engineer Alex Cottle. 

Since moving to Kingston Wharf in July 2014, the team have been developing new tooling ready for the launch of their new model, the Island 7.5m. Production has already started with the first two boats due to leave the workshops by the end of February. Brian and Alex are confident in their decision to choose Kinston Wharf for their workshops and believe that the ongoing redevelopment plans for Cowes Harbour will greatly benefit their business.

Island RIBs manufacture boats from 7.5m to 10m with flexible configurations of consoles, cabins and cuddies making them suitable for both commercial and leisure purposes. All models are available as petrol outboard or diesel inboard.

For further information please contact Brian Hallett or Alex Cottle on 01983 242 727.