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News - 02/08/16

New marine apprenticeship with CHC

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has announced the introduction of a new marine apprenticeship scheme to commence this autumn at Shepards Wharf Marina in Cowes. The apprenticeship will take between 18-24 months to complete and leads to the SQA Diploma in Maritime Studies: Marinas and Boatyards (QCF).

This Diploma in Maritime Studies is designed with a mix of learning outcomes, some relating to underpinning knowledge and others to competence. Students can specialise in lifting and moving boats and yachts, mooring and berthing boats and yachts, moving loads in boatyards, and maintaining marinas and boatyard equipment.

The work based training will be provided at Shepards Wharf Marina and other CHC sites. There is no requirement to attend college as the apprentice will be assessed on site by a designated training provider on a 6-8 weekly cycle. Apprentices should be aged between 16-24 years of age to qualify for government funding via the Skills Funding Agency.

CHC will be promoting the marine industry apprenticeship at the Marine Careers Fair on 29th September, hosted by the Royal Yacht Squadron Foundation at the Castle in Cowes.

Further details and information on the apprenticeship application process will be available on the CHC website in due course. CHC’s aim is to run a rolling annual marine apprenticeship scheme, delivered as a stakeholder benefit investment.