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News - 30/07/15

Publication of ABPmer report for Cowes Harbour

Cowes Harbour Commissioners at their Board meeting on Wednesday, 29th July reviewed and approved the sedimentation report from hydrodynamic consultants ABPmer. The report was commissioned by CHC as part of the Breakwater Project Review to investigate and report on the potential issues and concerns surrounding the apparent increased sedimentation in Cowes Harbour. 

ABPmer have been involved from the start of this project as the hydrodynamic, modelling and marine environmental lead consultants for all of the marine elements of the Cowes Breakwater Project, as well as the Homes and Communities Agency led East Cowes regeneration project. ABPmer are widely acknowledged as one of the world leading experts in this field and in particular their detailed knowledge of the Solent. 

CHC also engaged additional independent hydrodynamic expert consultants to review and provide expert commentary on the ABPmer report to ensure that the final report contained the best advice currently available to CHC and the stakeholders.

New hydrodynamic model
CHC, whilst acknowledging ABPmer’s summary finding that there is insufficient hard evidence to indicate the Cowes Breakwater is the primary reason for any apparent local increase or change in patterns of siltation, will prioritise the completion, verification and independent scrutiny of the new hydrodynamic model under construction with ABPmer. The new model will assist in developing further understanding of the causes of the tidal flow changes and apparent increased sedimentation in Cowes Harbour. The new model will then be used to optimise the design and evaluate the effect of possible mitigation measures for the Shrape breakwater extension, dredging of the new Eastern Channel and basin for the Homes and Communities Agency proposed new marina in East Cowes.

Harbour user and stakeholder engagement
The Commissioners take all stakeholders’ concerns about the harbour and Cowes Breakwater Project extremely seriously and would like to encourage any concerned parties to consult with CHC, either directly or via the Cowes Harbour Advisory Committee.

• ABPmer Cowes Outer Harbour Sedimentation Review July 2015