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News - 26/01/21

Recruitment open for Harbour Commissioner at Cowes

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) is seeking a non-executive member to join the Board of Cowes Harbour Commissioners. This voluntary role offers an exciting opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the work of Cowes Harbour, a leading Trust Port, key economic driver and the Isle of Wight’s principal maritime gateway. 

CHC is committed to further increasing diversity on the Board of Commissioners and we therefore welcome applications from all sections of the community. We aim to ensure that Commissioner membership is drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and skills to deliver diversity in Board composition and decision-making, a key element of good governance.

Candidates should have a familiarity with local issues with an emphasis on sustainability and conservation, or chartered surveying, however, these skills are not prescriptive, and we would like to hear from anyone with enthusiasm and commitment who is interested in public service.

The Commission is currently seeking to appoint one new Commissioner to commence his/her initial three-year term from 1st May 2021. CHC has the ability to co-opt up to two additional Commissioners for 12 months if it is considered the Board requires additional specialist skills and experience.

Applications close at 1200 noon on Monday, 1st March 2021. For more information and an application form, please visit the CHC website: Board of Commissioners.



Notes to Editors

Cowes Harbour Commission is the statutory harbour authority for Cowes Harbour on the Isle of Wight.

Cowes Harbour is a Trust Port, which means it has no shareholders or other owners, but is managed for the benefit of its users, or ‘stakeholders’. The port is run by an independent Board of Commissioners, appointed through a public selection process who give their time on a voluntary basis.

Cowes Harbour Commission’s main function is to be the Statutory Harbour Authority for Cowes and to undertake commercial marine activities so that it can be self-financing. As the Commission has no shareholders, any surplus funds raised through its activities are reinvested back into the harbour and its facilities, to the benefit of its harbour users, or ‘stakeholders’.

In line with good governance and to benefit from new ideas and attitudes, the Commission rotates Board membership regularly. Commissioners can only be reappointed by the Board for two three-year terms, after which, if they wish to stay on for a third and final term, they are required to participate in an open recruitment exercise.

Media Contact – Louisa Mamakou, Communications & Marketing Officer, Cowes Harbour Commission, Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7AS.
Email: louisa.chc@cowes.co.uk

Queries – For any further information, please contact the Cowes Harbour Office on Tel: +44 (0)1983 293952. Website: cowesharbourcommission.co.uk

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