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News - 26/04/16

Red Funnel and Medina Yard planning applications

Red Funnel – East Cowes planning application: The recent refusal of Red Funnel’s East Cowes planning application has been widely reported in the local media.

Cowes Harbour Commission’s position on the East Cowes development and marine employment issues was set out in a letter from the CHC Chairman in December 2015 and is still available to view on the CHC website

Since the Red Funnel planning decision announcement, the Harbour Master Capt. Stuart McIntosh has been in communications with all of the key parties to understand the implications of the decision on the East Cowes Regeneration Project, including the Homes and Communities Agency planned Victoria Marina, the Solent Gateways project, and the proposed Kingston Marine Park.

In these discussions the Harbour Master has highlighted CHC’s support for both the East Cowes Regeneration Project and Solent Gateways project and the importance of these strategic public/private partnership developments and investments to the Island, Medina Valley, and Cowes Harbour. CHC’s position on the importance of maintaining waterfront marine employment sites, including both interim and long-term deliverable facilities and plans, was also emphasised in the discussions.

Medina Yard/Medina Village planning application: CHC has received official notification from the developer’s agent with regard to submission of the Medina Yard planning application. The details of the application have not yet been posted on the Isle of Wight Council planning portal but information will be promulgated as soon as it becomes available. CHC has not been consulted directly by the developer prior to the application submission.