1.54 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 27/09/18

Red Funnel ferry incident in Cowes Harbour

The Red Funnel vehicle ferry MV Red Eagle, whilst departing East Cowes for Southampton at 0530 this morning (Thursday, 27th September), had an incident in the Inner Fairway of Cowes Harbour.

In restricted visibility, the Red Eagle departed the fairway in the vicinity of the No. 4A beacon and entered the small craft mooring area, making contact with some moored yachts and the 4A beacon. No persons were on board the yachts in the mooring area and no injuries were reported. 

The Red Eagle re-entered the Inner Fairway and proceeded north out of Cowes Harbour to Southampton. 

The incident is now under investigation by Cowes Harbour Commission, the relevant authorities and Red Funnel.