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News - 02/04/14

Repair works to Kingston Wharf

Refurbishment of the commercial shipping wharfage at Cowes Harbour Commission’s (CHC) Kingston site in East Cowes is underway with the aim of repairing and protecting this valuable infrastructure for years to come. Prestec UK Ltd, specialists in structural concrete repairs, were appointed by CHC earlier in the year; completion of the £600,000 project is estimated to take 16 weeks. 

Cowes Harbour Master, Capt. Stuart McIntosh commented: “When we acquired the Kingston Wharf site in 2012, one of the primary objectives was to safeguard a site that is of strategic importance not only to Cowes but to the whole Island. 
“The wharf itself is one of the only facilities on the Island capable of landing bulk materials, such as aggregate, and facilitates the import of around 98% of the Island’s oil by ship.” 
The reparation works will involve hydro-demolition of the worn concrete surface, which will then be repaired using sprayed concrete that has galvanic protection for an increased lifespan. “Our chosen contractors Prestec, have an established national reputation and I am confident their team will deliver to a high standard,” concluded Capt. McIntosh.
There should be minimum disruption for Kingston’s on-site tenants and the works are going ahead with the full cooperation of leaseholders Isle of Wight Fuels and Isle of Wight Aggregates.